
Monday, 20 January 2014

Chores, chores, chores - Express Yourself

Express Yourself Meme                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Express Yourself meme is a weekly jaunt brought to you by Dani at Entertaining Interests and Jackie at Bouquet of Books. At the beginning of the month the girls will post a gadget with a list of topics, something different for each week. Make sure to head on over to either of these blogs to check out the details more fully and see who else is taking part.      

 This weeks topic of conversation: Name a chore you dislike and one you love to do.

One job I dread having to do each week is the food shopping. The pain of it begins before I've even driven to the supermarket, when I sit down to write the shopping list. I always make a list of meals for the following week and only buy what I need, but trying to plan different and interesting meals that all the family like is quite difficult. My husband and daughter are far too fussy for my liking, and they are very difficult to please. 

Once that's out of the way, there is the drama of the supermarket car park, not to mention the inevitable trolley rage that ensues up and down the aisles, and then the massive chore of unloading the shopping only to load it up again! Trust me, online food shopping is the only way to go!

Give me a pile of ironing though and I'm a happy bunny! It may seem tedious, but not when you can watch your favourite TV or put some music on and have a bit of a boogie too. And it's always satisfying to finish the task with a nice pile of clean and tidy clothes.

Are there any chores that you particularly love or loathe? How are you with controlling trolley rage?



  1. At least you only have to do your own shopping, I get paid to do everyone else's (I'm one of the people who picks the shopping ordered online). By the time I finish my shift, I just can't be bothered to do my own shopping.
    I like ironing, too, it's so relaxing!

    1. Well, I for one thank you Laura for your hard work in getting shopping together. It truly helps that I don't have to take my 5 year old round the supermarket, and it always works out cheaper!

  2. I don't mind food shopping—unless the tourists have taken over the town. But the chore I can't stand to do is folding laundry. I fold all day long at my day job, and I can't stand to do it when I get home.

    1. I can understand not wanting to do your own when you've done it all day.I find it oddly relaxing though.

  3. OMG, I hate ironing so much. That's what I wrote about. Come to my house any time. I'll save a pile for you.

    1. You got it Marilyn, I'll do it while you go out and do my food shopping ;-)

  4. Oh yeah, I hate shopping too. Especially because my little guy puts up a fuss every Saturday morning before we do groceries. It's a frustrating weekly routine. I like doing laundry. I can't remember the last time I ironed anything! *LOL*

    1. Why do the little ones always have to make shopping so much harder. If I can get round the supermarket without her asking for something I'll be amazed!

  5. Ha, I'd rather shop than do the ironing (and I'm not a fan of shopping either, lol). I made it an unspoken wedding vow that I wouldn't ever have to iron my husband's shirts.

    1. Ooh, I didn't think of that. He does do some ironing, but not the way I'd do it, of course!

  6. First of all, I don't get everything on the first run. Secondly, I could use all that money to take a cruise or something. :)

    1. He he, that's where online shopping helps, plenty of time to make sure you get everything.

  7. I don't mind shopping too much, if I'm not by myself. And I'm too scared to iron. LOL! Me and hot appliances don't mix well.

    The chore I hate the most is completely cleaning out the cats' litter boxes. The clean litter to go into the box is getting too heavy for me to lift with my bad back, so it makes it really hard to do it. On the other hand, the task I like the most is organizing things in my house.

    1. You can't beat a good session of house organisation. We're moving soon so it'll be the perfect opportunity!

  8. I'm with you on the grocery shopping. Despise it.
