I have also fallen behind with my CampNaNoWriMo
attempt. My word count is just over
10000 at the moment, but still way short of the 50000 word target that is supposed
to be reached by the end of the month.
As the end of the month is only nine days away now the chances of me
finishing the challenge successfully is really quite small.
Initially I was beginning to think of this shortfall as
another massive failure, and I wish I’d never taken on the challenge in the
first place. After I’d thought about it
awhile though, it’s not been a complete failure. I have made some progress with my novel, however
small it may seem to me at the moment, so that is definitely a positive.
I’m still in the very early stages of novel writing and so
still trying to find my feet with regards to my own methods of doing it. I’ve read a lot of author interviews and it’s
quite clear that there are as many methods for writing as there are
authors. Now and again I’ll come across
a way that I think may suit me and I’ll give it a go. More often than not though it’s either
completely wrong for me or I adapt it to something else to suit myself. With this CampNaNoWriMo challenge I’ve worked
out that I cannot just sit at the computer and have the story flow out of
me. Although I have the characters in my
head and the settings, rough plot and ending in there I think I need to get it
out first before I can properly form how the novel is actually going to work.
So, although I’ve failed to meet the challenge (or will
fail) I’ve succeeded in eliminating a method of working that is totally unsuitable to me. This is what I’m going to
take away from this challenge and I can now make some positive steps forward in
getting my novel moving.
Has anyone else a particular way of working that they find
suits them best?