In my search I've happened to stumble across Camp NaNoWriMo, which I've seen mentioned a couple of times recently as some bloggers I follow are taking part. It's pretty much the same as NaNoWriMo (writing a novel, or 50000 words, in one month) but instead of doing it in November you do it in either June or August. Or both if you're feeling ambitious!
I signed up for NaNoWriMo last year and I'm sorry to say that I failed miserably at my very first attempt. I didn't even last the first week, falling behind so much it was quite impossible to catch up. The word a day count to try and maintain is at least 1667 in order to make it to 50000 in 30 days.
Now, technically I should already be behind a little as I've only signed up on day 2 of the challenge. I have a little secret though (sshh, don't tell anyone!) in that I have already written the first 6000 words of my novel. By my calculations this gives me until day 4 to start writing properly again. And as we have been blessed with an extra long bank holiday this weekend I should, theoretically, have a bit of time to get some planning done and refresh the story in my mind.
I've had this story floating around in my head for well over a year now, to finally get it out and written down in a rough first draft will be such a relief.
I've even got another novel idea for August, but let's not get too ahead of ourselves shall we ...
Wish me luck!
Good luck with this Heather, I would love to give it a try but just don't know where I would find the time, or what I would write about. My imagination seems to have completely dried up the last few weeks.