Hi folks!
We're taking a break for a while over here at the WWBH, Leanne has all the details ...
We're going on vacation! After at least four years of faithfully bringing you weekly photo prompts to inspire your creative side, the Writer Wednesday Blog Hop team is going on an extended (not indefinite) sabbatical to rest, regroup, and refresh.
At this point we plan on returning June 3, 2015 for some fresh summer fun with new prompts and maybe a new twist for this old favorite. :)
In the meantime, we'll leave you with the final story written by one of our most faithful blog hop participants, Scott Taylor. Thank you, Scott, for your awesome, funny, heartwarming, and creative entries!
Also, if you are really sad now because you really wanted to participate but just hadn't been able to, here's a list of all the prompts of this year so far.
Writer Wednesday 2015 Kickoff! (January 7, 2015)
Feel free to write as many stories as you wish and submit them to the link below. (The same rules apply as listed in each prompt!)
We'll publish all the stories when the Blog Hop returns in June! Be inspired and keep writing!
Farewell for now. <3
Your friends and weekly hostesses, Tena Carr, Heather Musk, Debb Stanton, and Leanne Sype

Oh that's a shame but please enjoy your holiday. I haven't been able to participate the last couple of times due to a very heavy workload and an unpleasant and upsetting family situation.