But first for something a little different, it's confession time ...

This little blogfest has been organised by the Express Yourself team, Dani at Entertaining Interests and Jackie at Bouquet for Books.
It's an opportunity to confess to all any little things you've been keeping secret. Be as daring as you like, just bare in mind the beauty (or peril) of the internet!
My little confession may not seem too dramatic to most of you, but it's something that probably only one person is aware of and that's only because he lives with me.
Most people know that I'm a bit of a Trekker, and I love a bit of Buffy/Angel on the side. The extent of my geekiness has only become apparent to my work colleagues since Into Darkness came out. I loved the film so much something inside me was awoken, and she's not going back!
Anyway, along with this love, I of course have DVD collections burtsing from my shelves but I also have quite a large collection of novels to go with all of the series. There's Buffy, Angel, and all the differetn Star Trek's and more. I've lost count of how many I have now, although I haven't added to it for a little while. They are currently all boxed up under the bed as there's just no room for them.
I've always been shy about it when people come round the house, and I don't know why. It's an interest and I enjoy reading them, but I don't know if it's one step of geekness too far ...
See, I told you it wasn't huge :-)
And now time to celebrate!
Don't forget to head over to VikLit's wonderful blog to check out what everyone else is celebrating this week. For me it's:
- Star Trek Into Darkness is out on DVD on Monday! So excited! (I'll probably be celebrating this next week too, just to warn you)

- It's pay day today, yippee! I wonder how much will be left by Monday though. Back to school shopping this week, what fun ...
- Going out for a drink after work with friends. Our Year-in-Industry student is leaving us to go back to university, and she will be greatly missed. Still, good excuse for a few drinks.
What are you celebrating this week? Have you read any TV/movie-tie in books? Anything you'd like to confess?
Have a great weekend!