
Monday 24 June 2013

Express Yourself - Music of your life


The Express Yourself meme is a weekly jaunt brought to you by Dani at Entertaining Interests and Jackie at Bouquet of Books. At the beginning of the month the girls will post a gadget with a list of topics, something different for each week. Make sure to head on over to either of these blogs to check out the details more fully and see who else is taking part.


This weeks topic of conversation:  What band, singer or group would be featured most in your  WIP/life?

This is quite a toughy really. I enjoy music and the kind of stuff I listened to when growing up was the likes of The Eagles, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Dire Straits, Queen.

I then moved onto Skid Row, Metallica, Megadeth, but my favourite that has remained throughout is Bon Jovi.
Picture courtesy of

By the way, I'm going to see them in two weeks.  Woohoo!!!!!!

How about you? What music has sustained your life?



  1. I love Bon Jovi. My significant other makes fun of me every time "You Give Love A Bad Name" (or any of the other songs) comes up on my iPod, but I don't care. I just crank the volume and dance.

    1. You can't beat the The Jove, always makes me smile.

  2. Oh gosh, I had a dream about Bon Jovi... yeah, we won't go into that. I also grew up on all of these (our parents were so cool!) And then I pregressed into other equally as cool bands. I think we would be great music buddies!

    1. I love music, and have quite an eclectic taste. Well, I think so at least ...

  3. Lucky you! Yum, Bon Jovi. Enough said.

    1. Yum indeed. I'm just a little bit excited.

  4. Ohhhh... for fun! I bet they're amazing live!

    1. It's been ten years since I've seen them but I have good memories of them from the last time x
