This post is part of the A-Z Blogging Challenge 2015. If this is something new to you, check out the website here to find out all you need to know.

Zap your way through writers block!
Writers block is the bane of a writers, or students, life. It's been trying to creep its way in every day of this challenge, blocking the flow of what I want to say.
A deadline helps with this, I find. That pressure of missing it, of failing to deliver, is enough to give me the push to get something down. I cope less well with it if I know I have all the time in the world to do something.
The best way to deal with this block, as we all know, is to just write something. Anything, just to get the mind going, the fingers going, and words appearing on the page. It doesn't matter if it's complete drivel, it's done it's job if you can then get into the flow of something more meaningful.
I feel victorious that I've managed to get all the way through the month, battling against this pesky nuisance that always seems bent on keeping as many creative voices from expressing themselves.
Don't let the block get the better of you, battle through and strike it down!