This post is part of the A-Z Blogging Challenge 2015. If this is something new to you, check out the website here to find out all you need to know.

You're not alone
I'd like to reinforce a point I made in a previous A-Z post, about joining the community. We're at the very end of the Challenge now, and I'm amazed and ecstatic that I've made it this far. And a lot of that is down to all of you guys.
There is a huge list of participants this year, as well as everyone signed up to the Insecure Writers Support Group. With these kinds of numbers fighting in our corner, going through the same things we are, how could we ever feel like we are alone.
Because we're really not alone, and there is always someone on hand with those words of encouragement that at times can be so desperately needed. So next time you feel alone, head on over to one list or the other and get yourself a little pick me up. Believe me, it'll do you the world of good.
It definitely makes a difference when you don't feel like you're alone. The internet is a great source of community for a whole range of different things. :-)